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Josef Schett takes over his parents’ mountain farm. For 600 years, his family has been living and working at the Lahnberg at 1550 meters above sea level, high above the Villgraten valley. He changes the business to sheep breeding, markets lamb and sheep milk products to upscale restaurants and stores and at the same time sets the course for wool processing.
a study by the Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck provides important data about the commercial viability of sheep products and thus the basis for their development.
the EMPA, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research in St. Gallen, investigates the construction and physical properties of the Villgrater sheep’s wool. It certifies to the woolen fleece a high insulation value and a positive effec on the indoor climate. Main finding: sheep’s wool can absorb up to one third of its own weight in moisture and absorb pollutants from the environment.
the Villgrater Natur house opens its doors. The first machines for wool processing are put into operation and the first Villgrater Natur products go on sale.
the team of Villgrater Natur develops the Villgrater natural beds together with professor Willi Dungl. The sheep’s wool, initially a by-product, is now a valuable raw material for mattresses, blankets and bedding.
the insulating materials from sheep’s wool and the sound absorbing insulation felt for floors obtain the building biology and ecological certification marks and come onto the market.
the Woolin brand for biological insulation materials and sound absorbing insulation felt made of virgin wool emerges.
the Villgrater Natur house gets a light-filled extension with seminar room and kitchen, thus becoming a popular destination for tourists and professional visitors.
Villgrater Natur invests in a new, computer-controlled production facility. Important jobs in the Villgraten valley can thus be secured. The team of Villgrater Natur now processes the wool of 70000 Austrian sheep.
Villgrater Natur celebrates its 25th anniversary.
Villgrater Natur receive the aword for “certiefied quality handcraft Tyrol”
A history courageous decisions