Frequently asked questions

…about sheep´s wool


There are many advantages of Woolin insulation materials, the most important are:

Sheep’s wool can absorb moisture without losing its insulating properties.
Sheep’s wool neutralizes air pollutants such as formaldehyde, ozone and other indoor toxins, thus ensuring a healthy indoor climate. Sheep’s wool is absolutely safe, for the consumer and the environment. Installing sheep’s wool insulation creates no fine dust.

Yes, sheep’s wool insulation merials have a very high thermal insulation value of 0.036 W/K·m.
The primary energy demand is an ecological figure and indicates the amount of energy that is required for the production. Sheep’s wool insulation products require much less energy in manufacturing than, for example, glass or mineral wool.
The service life of Woolin insulating materials is not limited.
Of course. Woolin insulation materials are even reusable and of course also compostable.
Unlike other insulation materials, no protective equipment is necessary in the processing of Woolin insulation materials because no fine dust develops.
No, Woolin insulation products contain no binders.
No, Woolin insulation materials made of 100% new wool, without any admixture of synthetic support fibers such as polyester.

Only for our new insulatin panels, we add 15% recycled PET to generate a greater stability. The PET is reused and does not alter or dimish the features of the new wool. Its only purpose is to increase the stability of the soft wool fibers, which makes it possible to use the panels as clamping felt.

The flash point of virgin wool is at about 560 °C; wood ignites, for example, as early as at 270 °C. In case of fire, no narcotizing ultra-toxins are caused by sheep’s wool insulation, as is the case with other insulation materials.
Yes, Woolin insulation materials are equipped with an enzyme against moth damage, and thus absolutely mothproof according to current knowledge.
Yes, as a biological raw material Woolin insulation materials are recyclable.
Woolin insulation materials have the European Technical Approval and were also tested and certified by:

TGM – Research institute Vienna
MA 39 – Certifying body of the City of Vienna
EPH – Development and testing laboratory Wood Technology Dresden
STROHL ENGINEERING GmbH – State authorized laboratory for technical noise measurements
INSTITUTO GIORDANO s.p.a. – Bellaria, Italy
EMPA – Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology

Yes, Woolin insulation materials reduce and neutralize air pollutants such as formaldehyde, ozone and other pollutants in indoor air.
No, there are no known allergies to sheep’s wool.
If you have any further questions that you think should be included in this collection, pelase contact us at: